
Cameringo - фотокамера с различными эффектами.
Изменения в версии 2.6.0:
- New video recording option with the next features:
* Requires Jelly Bean 4.3 or higher.
* All filters are supported.
* Fast motion recording. (Tip: Try it with a selfie, using a MORFO filter).
* Recording with or without audio.
* High quality (has to be activated in the configuration settings).
- 10 New Filters: RETRO: 60s, Retro TV, 16mm, Vintua; HIPSTA: zen; LENSE: digieye; MORFO: aaargh; PRO: sigmoid; SPKTRO: skinglow; LEAKS: glons.
Новость отредактировал: Yurec9 - 14.09.2015, 18:35
Причина: Новая версия
Комментариев 1